I wanted to try and do some extra school with the girls but having friends over makes that hard.
Tony's friend Barry came over and scraped the driveway for us. I still don't think we can get out. I'm not real sure how the roads are, many of them still haven't been scraped and we don't have a four wheel drive. We really don't need anything, I'm pretty well stocked, but there is something about just knowing that can't go anywhere that makes you want to go somewhere! :)
We bought quite a few $4 movies at Walmart before the snow but only have two left that we haven't watched. That explains what we've been doing since being snowed in!
Church was cancelled today and that is disappointing but no-one could have made it there.
I've been reading over some of my older posts here on Jenileigh's Journey and it saddened me to see the direction that things have taken. In my opinion I give you updates on how I'm doing but that is about it. My homeschool blog did take away some of our life here but is thriving because it is such a huge part of us. I feel it was the right thing to do, it needed a place of it's own. Here though, on Jenileigh's Journey, I use to share so much about the Lord and how He helped, spoke to and taught me things. There were so many teachings and revelations. It is my heart felt prayer that that can find that again.
Part of the problem is time and part of it is because of things I've been going through. Maybe I can find a balance between the two and get to back to the heart of why I started this blog to begin with.