Well I love to read. I just love it! However I often find that life keeps me so busy that I end up backburnering (if that is a word) my reading time. So....I'm joining the challenge and making a list of books that I want to read. I may add some newbies in later but right now this is where I am. (I will post updates for October, November and December soon.)
1. Finish Anne of Green Gables By Lucy Maud Montgomery (finished!)
2. Continue in John The Beloved Disciple By Beth Moore (put away for now)
updating here: I read several chapters of Anne of Green Gables last night and I ended up in tears. I'm amazed at how I am drawn to Anne and how my heart feels her pain. I am planning to read this aloud to my girls soon. I think I may need to read the Little House series to them first but we shall see....sigh...
updating again 10-1-07: I finished Anne of Green Gables. I cannot believe how moved I was in reading this story. I am going to start the second book in the series next. My husband also bought me a new little hardback by Francine Rivers. I have already started it and it is simply amazing. I just love how Rivers has this way of bringing characters to life, especially bible characters. There are suppose to be four preceeding titles to the book that I have and I am in search of those in hardback also so that I will have the collection. I LOVE books!
3. Ann of Avonlea by Lucy Maud Montgomery (finished)
4. Silas ~ The Scribe ( the last book in The Sons of Encouragement Series, One of five men who quietly changed eternity) by Francine Rivers (finished)
5. Spirit Soul and Body by Lester Sumrall
6. The Hidden Power of Speaking in Tongues by Mahesh Chavda (finished)
7. The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting by Mahesh Chavda (finished)
8. Alien Entities by Lester Sumrall (finished)
9. Aaron ~ The Priest (the first book in The Sons of Encouragement Series, one of five men who quietly changed eternity) by Francine Rivers (finished)
10. Caleb~The Warrior (the second book in The Sons of Encouragement Series, one of five men who quietly changed eternity) by Francine Rivers (finished)
11. Jonathan~The Prince (the third book in The Sons of Encouragement Series, one of the five men who quietly changed eternity) by Francine Rivers (finished)
12. Amos~The Prophet (the fourth book in The Sons of Encouragement Series, one of the five men who quietly changed eternity) by Francine Rivers (finished)
(I know my list isn't compiled the way others are so that they can be checked off as I go. My apologies, I just wasn't prepared and enjoy adding to my list as I go.)
Thanks to Katrina at Callapidder Days for sponsoring this fun meme! If you want to go directly to the meme then just click the Fall Into Reading button above!