Sky had oral surgery on Tuesday to have a baby tooth that was ankelosed to the bone in her face removed. Surgery went well but her recovery is slow. Her face is very very swollen and she is in a lot of pain. Please keep her in prayer.
Also, if you would, join in prayer for our finances. The enemy is trying to knock us down but we are standing on Jesus and calling forth His blessings for us.
Thanks friends!
Prayers for the Dead
The Orthodox pray for the departed. The most pressing prayer within the
liturgies appointed for this purpose is for God to forgive their sins. We
say, “F...
9 hours ago
Praying for your Sky. Many of us are being tested, and I predict we all will be before it is over. We will all find out how strong our faith really is. One of the verses that always gives me pause is Luke 18:8b "Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth? Makes me more determined to stand firm in my faith. HE careth for us, Jenileigh!!!!!!
Praying for you Sky. I hope that you feel better soon, may Jesus send His comfort to you. Praying also for your financial situation and protection from the enemy. Amen, stand firm on Jesus!
Love Alicia <><
Holy heck I LOVE your blog. I'm officially addicted AND I love your music. This is the kind of Christian music that I'm talkin about.
I'll keep you all in my prayers!
Hey so much is going on, I havent got to talk with you. We are praying for Savannah, Bless her heart. You know the enemy always tries to attack us in not one thing at a time...several. We must stand strong and Thank God for the victory that we have over Satan. I Love you and if you need me, come over or call. Pray for me as battle after another.
" My God will use his wonderful riches in Christ Jesus to give you everything you need' Philippians 4:19 I love You!!
Hi friend,
Again it's been a long time. Nice to have you stop by. Sorry to know about your battle. May Jesus Come closer and love you deeper!
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