August 25, 2013

Come Alive

What makes me alive? Besides the air I breathe?
 My husband.
I don't just say that. I mean it.
He is my rock. He keeps me stable and accountable.
His love is unconditional. When I see myself through his eyes, I see a different me than the one I see when I see through my eyes. He offers me protection and strength. He loves me in spite of all of my imperfections, sometimes I feel he loves me because of them. He doesn't seek to change me. He only wants me to be happy. He always considers me before himself. He expects so little.
I no longer take him for granted. I see him through new eyes. My love for him is so deep and my appreciation even deeper. The father he is, the responsibility he takes on, his faithfulness, his longsuffering, the man he is. He deserves so much more than me.

He doesn't feel that way though.
20 plus years. Can time really go by so fast? More of my life with him than without. I know no life without him. I never care to.
Tony Bowman, I love you. I'm so sorry for each and every mistake I've made. There are many things I would change if I could. But I can't. So I pray, everyday, that the Lord will continue to bond us closer and deepen our love that is growing and we see those days He has planned for us and that my mistakes never take you from me. I want to spend my life, alive, with you, and for you. I love you Mr. Bowman.
Thank-You Lord Jesus for my husband.

He helps me to come Alive! 

1 comment:

Debra Seiling said...

Dear Jenileigh,
What a wonderful tribute to your husband,your marriage, and your relationship: forgiving, loving, and supportive. Your display of appreciation is one I should remember when I get impatient with my husband, for I, too, have been blessed with a wonderful husband. Debbie Seiling