This award was given to me by Susan from Penless Writer.
The rules are 1. Put the logo on your blog.2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.3. Nominate 10 other blogs.4. Add links to their blogs.5. Leave a message on the blogs of your nominees.6. Give a reason why you consider their blogs cool.
Susan passed this award onto me because I am a part of her Heart of One Accord Blog. A prayer warrior for this nation and for one another.
Here is what she wrote:
These 21 Prayer Warriors join me as we pray daily for The Body Of Christ - Our Local Church Assembly - Our Nation - Our Community and special prayer needs that are posted for prayer. You 21 bless me......but the important thing......I know you bless the heart of our Father God: "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" Hebrews 4:16
So now I must pass this award along to 10 other blogs. My choices are:
1. Tiffany @ Tea with Tiffany. Tiffany you inspire me. I love that you share your struggles, you hide nothing, and you share your growth. You've helped me more than you could know.
2. Jessica @ Walkin By Faith. Jessica your strength I admire. You are a strong mother in the Lord and a wonderful friend. I'm so glad the Lord has seen fit to cross our paths.
3. Sheri @ Purely His. Sheri I love sharing your journey. It has been an honor to watch your family grow and to see how you handle having your husband serve in the military. Your books have been a wealth of wisdom for Sky and I. Thank-you.
4. Rebecca @ China Baby. Your passion for children excites me. Being able to see the adoption of Owen unfold has been a blessing upspeakable for me. My girls and I have watched your blog and relished in the uniting of you with your son Owen. The pictures of China have really added to our homeschooling. You my friend are awesome!
5. Rebecca @ Oceans From the Rain. I can't remember how I came across your blog but I remember the battle you were having with your two little girls and mersa. I remember praying for your family and how you came here with your heart (and to my private blog dealing with infertility), truly reading, truly caring and praying for me. I love your love for Christ. You are a great encouragement to me.
6. Jen @ One Mom's World. You have been like a best friend ever since we first met. I feel like I've known you forever and could talk with you about anything! We have a lot of the same struggles and a lot of the same joys. I look forward to the years ahead!
7. Susan @ Forever His. At your place I know I can always find His word and great devotions. Thank-you for being a beacon of light in this blogosphere.
8. Kristen @ We Are That Family. Your blog is a place that I can visit and see life as it is. You make me laugh, hysterically. I love that you contain this humor all while loving the Lord Jesus Christ. I have to admit that as of late my favorite readings are The Persecuted Church. These posts have added to our missionary study and given us faces with names to pray for each day. I thank-you for all that you allow the Lord to use you to do! I thank-you for allowing us to be a part of this mission!
9. Kelly @ The Beauty of Sufficient Grace. You are a new blog that I've just recently come across. Your blog is beautiful and your story touched my heart. I look forward to getting to know you better.
And last but certainly not least...
10. Tammy @ Living with Neuropathy. Tammy you are not just a blog friend but a best friend in real life. I love that you are sharing your story with others not only to find comfort but to offer comfort to others through what the Lord has done for you. I look forward to seeing your blog flourish. I love you.
So that's it! Thank-you Susan for this award. It is an honor to be a part of Hearts of One Accord and to know you at Penless Writer. Much love my friend and my apologies for taking so long to receive and pass this along.
Thanks for passing this along, Jenileigh. The 10 you have passed it to sound like amazing young Christian woman. Our world needs these so badly and it delights my heart to be introduced to these 10. I'll try and make it by each of their blogs. Bless you Jenileigh as you submit to the calling God has on your life and thanks again for joining me as a prayer warrior. Another thing our world needs so badly.
hey mom i LOVE your blog i read it its pretty cool live ya!
sorry i put live ya i mean love ya and really do love you blog well love ya! <3
sorry i keep messing up but i really just love your blog love ya <3
Just stopped in to say hello and congrats on the award!
Jenileigh... I feel the same way. We live close too so we need to plan sometime to meet up if we are in each other's directions.
Thank you.. you just put the biggest smile on my face.
Your little girl is too cute with her comments above. I love it :)
Beautiful award - congrats! And I love the comments, too!
You are SO sweet to me. Always offering me love. I receive this award with much thanks. I'm overwhelmed lately by the kindness of so many bloggers like you.
I finally jumped and lost my tea design to upgrade to the new blogger features. I was in the dark ages over there. Now to pray for money to get a professional makeover!
Congrats on your award...and thanks so much for thinking of my blog! How sweet of you to include me! It may take me a little bit to think of the 10 blogs I want to pass it on to...I'm a little behind on my ministry work right now. You have a lovely blog...
Blessings to you,
Kelly Gerken
Sufficient Grace Ministries
Thanks for the concern you've shown while I was away! I was going through some stuff which I will post soon.
There must be something wrong with my blog because I thought I posted something, but I am working on it.
Thank you so much! I am honored and humbled by your sweet words. I want to have fun with my blog, but ultimately, I want to honor God!
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