His Appearing in the Liturgy
Standing in the Church, listening to the choir or chanter sing while priest
censes the icons, words swirl with the rising smoke and connections and
1 day ago
Dear Jenileigh,
I've been wanting to email this thought on my mind for some time now, but I hadn't been on the computer much for the last month.
My friend's daughter was going to a schooling in the medical field. Every time she had a lab that she had to do like taking blood pressure, etc., she failed to pass it no matter how much she practiced.
She had to leave the program and took a Nurse's Aide Course. There they spend more time teaching all the basics and now she knows how to do all the procedures in the lab and has more confidence in her ability to do it. She's planning to take a nurse's aide position while contemplating nursing school.
As a retired educator, it is my opinion, that some educators take for granted the basic skills needed and assume that everyone else will grasp those skills with minimum support. All it took for my friend's daughter was the additional training that they provided in the Nurse's Aide Course in order to do well.
Is there time to take a Nurse's Aide Course, before you start your Nursing School? That would allow you a little extra edge to fine tune the skills that some take for granted.
Something to be prayerful about,
Debbie Seiling
Dear Jenileigh,
I don't mind that my comments don't show on your blog, especially because they are somewhat personal in nature. I just wanted to make sure that you don't mind me sending you the thoughts that have been on my heart.
I guess I feel a strong affiliation with you, because when I went back to college because I wanted to become a teacher, I almost quit a couple of time and would have if it hadn't been for God.
I already wrote to you about my friend's daughter who has gone to Nursing Assistant School to fine-tune her skills, develop background knowledge, and to improve her medical confidence before going on to nursing school.
The other thing I've had on my heart to share with you is this. A couple of weeks ago, I had to go for an MRI for my brain. I panicked, when they put the face cage over me when I had the blindfold on. There was a radiology assistant or maybe she was a radiologist who was extremely supportive. She didn't make me feel silly for responding this way. She was very open to trying it a different way which worked out better for me.
Ever since that episode, I was thinking I needed to share it with you. There are medical related careers, where the people still get to make a positive different in the lives of their patients, the same as this person did for me when I had the MRI.
I have a strong feeling that what ever you decide to do, you will be a blessing for God and He will use you to positively touch the lives and hearts of all you assist.
Take care,
Debbie Seiling
seiling@att.net (personal email)
I have left a comment under the Humble Offerings Link more than once. I hope that you get it. Debbie Seiling
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