Tony came home today and needed to talk to me. The look on his face caused my stomachs to do flip flops. With all the talk of economy and layoffs I've just sort of tried to push it out of my mind. Everytime I read or hear about it I pray but when the thoughts of "what will do?" came I just bound them up. I figured honestly, there was no sense in worrying because that wouldn't fix anything and I've had a lot on my plate lately.
So..Tony's boss man called him to the side and told him he needed to talk to him. He was laying off every driver but 2. He hasn't had to lay anyone off in 15 years. Tony has only been there since May this year, and other drivers have been there for years so Tony pretty much figured he was going to be one of the ones let go. Then his boss man told him that he was one of the 2 he was keeping. What?! Tony is loyal and he lives his faith in Christ and his boss knew that my husband wasn't someone he wanted to lose. God found favor on Tony today and he still has his job. PRAISE GOD!!!!!! He will be on shorter time (4 days instead of 5) but his boss is doing every thing he can to help us out. His boss is even going to give my husband the week of Thanksgiving off, so that can be his waiting week in case he has to let Tony off a week for Christmas, this way he will be able to draw unemployment. (He was going to be off 1/2 that week anyway.) How gracious of his boss to do this!
I'm just moved beyond words.
Thank-you Abba Daddy, for taking such good care of us and for allowing dh to keep the job that brings him home to me at night. I would have been saddened to have lost our family time over the holidays if dh would have had to have gone back over the road. Lord I love you, and there are no words to express my gratitude. I praise You and give You all the glory. I know that You had your hand upon us. I lift up to you all of the families who are going through this, I ask that You lead each employee who was laid off to the right place. Lead them to You Father, and show them You are the Provider! In Jesus name, Amen.
The Ladder of Your Daily Life
Perhaps the most prominent ladder in our culture is the one associated with
careers. It is an image of the American road to success. We begin at or
near ...
5 hours ago
Oh that is so awesome. I got chills reading this post. Praise God!!
Our faith & trust must always be in the Lord and not in man. I am so happy for this blessing that has been bestowed on you.
Thankful, thankful to read about this. My husband got a promotion last week. A real miracle in this economy. I am so grateful for favor. Feeling like we need to really be wise during these times. And pray even more.
Praising Him with you!
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