December 31, 2007
December 27, 2007
Praising God for the Thorns
I had over 550 new pictures from our Christmases taken on my new camera. I came here to blog some of the greatest ones, like the gingerbread house daddy decorated with them, I had days and weeks worth of stories to share with pictures and I was very excited. I pulled my chip from my camera and put it in my computer and alas, all was lost. I have no idea what happened to my chip but its empty. I cried and started to explode, then I remembered that the Lord has been dealing with me on my self-control and that my girls had witnessed enough turmoil so I bit my lip and decided to take down my Christmas Tree.
As we worked on that tree and put away all of our ornaments and decorations together, cleaning and getting our home back in order I thanked God for our Christmas and every blessing I could think of. I thanked Him for the thorns too, like my sister's sickness and my lost pictures because I remembered that God uses all things for His glory. As I did my heart felt lighter and my anger dissipated and I realized that I still had every loved one here with me that was in those pictures and that I could take more. When we moved our real yet very dead tree outside I realized something else....even though this tree was full of water it was very dry and brittle. My husband had been smelling a burnt smell the past few days and it was truly the hand of God that erased my pictures in order to guide me to take down that tree. Had I left it up until after the New Year which is our usual tradition I'm sure it would have caught fire. I cannot believe the tree was not drinking any water and the branches were so brittle they snapped off with the gentlelest touch.
I also baked a cheese cake after Christmas instead of for Christmas due to the emotions flowing through the holidays and I burnt the top of it. I could have screamed, maybe I did, I know I jumped up and down and finally accepted that all I could do is cut the top off. I did and it was delicious. You never knew the top was gone after I added the white chocolate ganache and poured on the homemade raspberry sauce. Yummy. I wanted to post pics but already know where they went. I will however post the recipe and say that if I have any cheese cake loving viewers that this recipe is a must.
My husband was home praise God!! I could not have made it through this tough time without him. The day after Christmas I was so spent I prayed and asked God to please give me more time with my husband and God answered. My husband is still here and is leaving in the morning! Prayerfully he will be home tomorrow night and not have to leave until next Wednesday.
I have much to be thankful for. My sister is still alive, my pictures can be replaced, my home is safe from the dried out tree, my husband was home for the holidays, my cheesecake turned out delicious, I exercised my self-control through the grace of God, God is speaking to me and using me and guiding my husband and myself. God has reminded us through all of this that we honestly do not spend enough time on our knees. God is merciful and faithful and He is a mighty deliverer, and that when I pray I pray in faith knowing He is fully capable of answering my prayers because He is the Almighty!!
I pray that all of your Christmases were wonderful and blessed. I'm looking forward to the New Year. God Bless You all!!!
Grand Finale Cheesecake With White Chocolate Ganache and Raspberry Sauce
1-1/3 cup fine vanilla wafer crumbs
1/3 cup melted butter
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp of cinnamin (if desired - I do not care for it)
5pkgs of cream cheese softened
1-3/4 cups sugar
3Tbs Flour -plain
3/4 tsp grated lemon rind
3/4 tsp grated orange rind
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 vanilla
5 eggs at room temperature
2 eggs yolks
1/4 heavy cream
White Chocolate Ganache
8 oz white chocolate chips
3 tsp butter
1/4 cup heavy cream
Raspberry Sauce
1 bag of frozen berries
1/2 cup jelly (grape or currant)
1/2 to 1 cup of sugar (to your taste)
To prepare crust mix vanilla wafer crumbs, melted butter, sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon. Press into bottom of springform pan, 3" deep and chill.
Beat cream cheese until light and fluffy. Combine next 6 ingredients and gradually add to cheese beating contantly. Add eggs and yould one at a time beating well after each. Gently stir in cream. Pour into prepared springform pan over crust and bake extremely hot oven 500 degrees for 10 minutes. Turn oven down to 200 and bake for 1 hour and a half. DO NOT OPEN DOOR ( Cheesecake will crack)
Turn off heat after an hour and a half never opening oven door leaving until completely cool. Once completely cool move to refrigerator while you prepare the ganache.
Melt butter, cream and white chocolate chips in sauce pan stirring with wisk and pour over top of cheese cake and return to fridge over night.
Take the bag of frozen berries and thaw them, squeeze them through a seive and wisk juice, jelly and sugar to taste. This sauce is very thin. Refrigerate and serve drizzled over each individual slice. Delicious and beautiful.
December 24, 2007
December 22, 2007
Fall Into Reading Wrap Up

December 21, 2007
In Loving Memory
December 19, 2007
December 16, 2007
December 14, 2007
December 10, 2007
Words Left For Me...
Climbing into a cage week in and week out,
Causes one to look at life with much doubt.
Leaving those I love so very much,
Many miles from home and away from their touch.
From the time I leave, until my return,
For their love and affection my heart it does burn.
I drive a Big Truck across many a great state,
A job some love but one that I hate.
Out on the road with nothing else to do,
I think about life and “wasted time” too,
About wants and desires and things that we need,
For more time with my family to my Lord I do plead.
I come in most weekends, providing I don’t break down,
To a house full of family but it seems LOVE is not around.
Through out the week while Daddy is not here,
Pressure and tension drowns the good cheer.
Mother doing the job that God meant for TWO,
Is taking its toll on one who is true,
True to her children and responsibilities of life,
Is what makes me proud to call her my WIFE,
She works over time, and without any pay,
I do not envy her, that I must say,
Homeschooling, cooking and cleaning all day,
No time for herself to keep the devil at bay,
So I lift her up to our Father above,
And ask that He bathe her with patience and love,
That which only God Himself can give,
The desire to love to laugh and to live.
My greatest desire is to be a family man,
And with the help of my Lord, I know that I can,
So I also pray, it be the will of my Lord,
That I soon come home, to a home of one accord.
My heart is broken today....
December 8, 2007
We had planned to go as a family. Mom Dad and Sky. You all know Tony is always gone and is often only home for one day. Well he broke down yesterday and is still sitting. UGH! He isn't going to make it in to go with us today and Sky is simply heartbroken. She is such a Daddy's girl. Not to mention hearing the distress in Tony's voice over the phone, he sounds so broken. Who knows when he will be home and we haven't seen him since last Sunday morning.
Please lift us up in prayer today and continue to pray and be in agreeance with us in the name of Jesus that a new and better job that will enable to him to provide financially and be a Daddy to his family come available soon. This is one of the hardest trials our family has suffered. Today just adds to the UGH!
I told Tony the Lord must have someone there that he needs to share the gospel with and witness to or the Lord is protecting him from something unseen. He wants to be with us so bad. I created a Christmas Card for him to help cheer him up. Wanna see? You'll have to wait for it to load. Merry Christmas 2007
December 7, 2007
Tater Tot Casserole
It takes a lot of tator tots to cover this baby!! Meadow is smiling, she's almost done!!
Meadow spread the cheese out evenly. Notice that nails on the left hand and pink ones on the right. Perfect for every six year old...
Then mommy puts it in the over to bake at 350 for 45 minutes, until tator tots are golden brown, cheese it melted and beef mixture is bubbly.
Smile, it smells sooo good!
Spoon it into dishes and....
December 6, 2007
Thankful Thursday

Now I want to thank Iris at at Sting My Heart for her generous giveaway. I won! I won! I won!!! What did I win exactly? I won a Mug of Truth and the new Casting Crowns cd The Alter and the Door!! I have been wanting this cd since it came out and I'm so excited to have won this bloggy giveway! This is my first time winning in bloggy land!!
I am thankful that the Lord has led me to blog and that this community is so Christlike. I love you all and it truly is a joy getting to know everyone better and growing closer to you.
I am thankful that it is Christmas time. I love the spirit that comes along with it and I love seeing family that I haven't seen all year.
I am thankful for the reason, the real reason for this season, Jesus!!
How about you? What are you thankful for this day??
December 5, 2007
A not so Wordless Wednesday!!

Sons of Encouragement Series by Francine Rivers

I read *Aaron~The Priest* next and tonight finished *Caleb~The Warrior*. I feel as though I have seen our Lord through new eyes. I see how jealous our Lord really is and how much He desires our obedience. Obedience before all other things, immediate obedience, a love so strong and consuming for Him that we do not even consider anything other than obedience. I learned how far I have to go on my journey and in my relationship with Him. I realized that I thought I was so close to Him but I am no where near as close as I had thought I was. I learned that a lot of my relationship with my Abba Father was about me. How little I sought to truly know Him better. The Lord opened my eyes and my heart and enabled me to see how I sometimes grieve Him, how often His children hurt Him, how He desires to be amoungst His people and He comes and cries, "Where are my children?!! "
Tonight He bore into my heart this message: "How long will these people reject me? Will they never believe Me, even after all of the miraculous signs I have done amoung them?" Numbers 14:11
Oh how it grieves my heart to think of people who reject the Almighty God, our Holy Father and refuse to see His love and sacrifice for us.
"Dear Brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice- the kind He will accept. When you think of what He has done for you, is this too much to ask? Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is." Romans 12:1-2
I pray for the lost, those who do not know of our Lord and those who hear and know but reject Him. Those who serve their own gods, their own desires. I pray that our Lord soften their hearts, remove the binders from their eyes and ears that they may receive our Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and that they may swell with a love than runs so deep that it grows and grows and grows, that their faith daily multiplies and strengthens and the Lord Almighty use them for His will and glory.
December 4, 2007
Another giveaway
Give away at Sting my Heart!!

My dear friend Iris at Sting My Heart is having a unique giveaway. So very special this Christmas season. Iris is driving us to get into God's word and know the details of our Savior's birth. Feel free to drop on by and visit her, leave her a sweet comment too! May God Bless you and enjoy!!