After 40 things are different. You begin to look at life differently. You change. You learn to love life no matter what your circumstances are; as to where when you are young your happiness is contingent upon your circumstances. Here's to peace, love and happiness and life after 40!
Hosea 2:19 And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy.
I am My Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine!
I Love My Husband
An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband trust in her, And he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil, all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:10-12
Hannah Beth
Hannah Beth is such a special person. I am so thankful that the Lord crossed our paths. She has taught me so much about life, strength and happiness.
Pray for this family to stay safe guarded unthe the hands of our Almighty God and that His blessing rain down upon them.
My middle child Sky
I pray that the Lord keep His mighty hand upon Sky and that the Holy Spirit stir her soul and open doors for her to do His work. I plead the blood of Jesus over her and a hedge of protection around her.
My Baby Girl Meadow
I pray for Meadow to have a heart after God's own heart, that the Holy Spirit speak boldly to her and for her to learn to hear Him. I pray the Lord keep His protective hand over her and that her new year as a cheerleader and at a new school will be successful.
My First Grand Son Treyton
I pray that Trey does mighty works for the Lord with his life. May he know the Lord and love the Lord and be filled with honesty.
Pay Attention! See What You See!
It has been said that the whole of Orthodox theology and teaching can be
found in a single, well-executed icon. I believe it to be true. Over the
The Shoe is on the Other Foot!
*Do nothing out of selfish ambition and vain conceit. Rather, in humility
value others above yourselves. Philippians 2:3 NIV Bible*
*Years ago, one of ...
Slot Freebet Tanpa Deposit 2023
Slot Freebet Tanpa Deposit 2023 – Halo para penggila taruhan… saat ini
mungkin anda sedang mencari informasi taruhan gratis terbaru dari situs
agen judi ...
Dealing with Disappointment
Ian from sunny Sydney here. Spring is here, Down Under and the flowers are
beginning to blossom as the temperature increases. Photo courtesy of
Mikhail Nil...
It Has Been A While – Trusting God in 2022
In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What
can flesh do to me? ~ Psalm 56:4 (ESV) It has been a while since I have
updated ...
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
I hope you’ve all been doing well, staying safe, and (hopefully) getting
back to some glimpse of normal. I know normal is a relative term, and I
swear, I s...
Download Alan Walker On My Way Download mp3
Sabrina carpenter & farruko) download link to audio. I already uploaded the
song but it got copyrighted.
*Alan Walker On My Way Lyrics Ft Sabrina Ca...
Lonely Heart of the UN-Stoned
*What a difficult situation to be around one stoned. *
*It appears the giggle has such a pattern *
*of uncontrolled self-absorbing fun for oneself, *
*and d...
Book Review: Who Will Play with Me?
My latest review is of the book, "Who Will Play with Me? (A Slugs & Bugs
Story)", written by Randall Goodgame. This book is based on the Scr...
When it’s time to quit – Living Experiment Podcast
Persistence and commitment are admirable, but sometimes it’s time to let
go. There’s life-changing wisdom in quitting when you know it’s the right
thing to...
The girl is graduating
I woke up this morning at 4:15 with a profound need to find my old blog
password and fire it back up. I know a lot of people wake up, have trouble
going ba...
Meet McKensey
McKensey joined the Visiting Orphans staff in February of 2016 as our
Accounting Specialist and we are thrilled to have her. Here's a bit about
the newe...
Today is Friday, January 8th, 2016. A brand New Year.
Yesterday we got the wonderful, encouraging word from Mickey's Lung Doctor
that his lung x-ray sh...
This year has been different.
For months before marriage God spoke to my heart of new things, prepared my
soul to cling to His promise, “Behold, I am doin...
A God Sized Dream
(UPDATE: God provided and I went to Uganda. I’m still processing my
thoughts and my photos but look for an update in August. It was an amazing,
Sibling Syndrome
The concept of two is better than one, doesn’t usually apply to getting
puppies. There’s something called “sibling syndrome” or “littermate
syndrome” tha...
Heart of Amazima: Meet Joseph
Joseph comes from a large family and is always full of joy and life. He
loves to sing and dance and he has even danced at several school
competitions. He a...
More Than Music, It’s Changing Lives
We start The You Amaze Us Tour this Friday with Mark Schultz and JJ
Heller in Kettering, OH. Our new CD,You Amaze Us, releases August 19th and
we will be s...
Wedding Wednesday: Max & Mary
Max & Mary have a history that goes back way beyond when they started
dating. The first time the couple met was right after her godfather passed
away ...
trial and error and mostly error
[image: 80]
i checked another item off my easter basket checklist! well *sorta. * i've
had a bunch of clothespins laying about, with every intention of pai...
Kimberly's Doctors Are Getting to the Root
Dear Friends,
My doctor just called me to say that they have found at least one of the
root causes of the physical problems I have had. It is a parasite, w...
Five Fingers
I have been in tears since I got a message from Shaun Groves yesterday. A
large cyclone hit East India, and it has affected the area we were in just
a few ...
After 40 things are different. You begin to look at life differently. You change. You learn to love life no matter what your circumstances are; as to where when you are young your happiness is contingent upon your circumstances. Here's to peace, love and happiness and life after 40!
You can do this, hon!
Good scripture choice for this stage of your life.
Good for college, high school, mothering, working, really - anything, don't you think? *grin*
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