Today I turned in my application to the local community college and picked up dates for the entrance exam. Right now, the plan is to return to school in the fall, if I don't chicken out or change my mind.....something I tend to do often. I am going to study the next few weeks for the test. I'm hoping Heaven will help me with the Algebra. It would be very nice to take the test and at least place far enough that I could take Algebra 1 in the fall instead of having to take the remedial classes. We shall see. I'm thinking night classes will best suite the family needs and allow me to continue homeschooling. I'm not sure what field I'm going into but one thing I do know is I'll be going to college for several years just to get all the prerequisites behind me. So, I have a while before I have to make any major decisions. Right now, I'm just looking at one semester at a time.
I came home and Sky's throat still hurt. So back to the doctor we went. It was strep again so she got the shot and they are making us an appointment with an ENT. Looks like her tonsils are coming out. She continues to do extremely well with her school. I'm proud of her.
Meadow is still oozing infection from her eyes and nose. How gross is that?!
I've had a headache since last night that doesn't want to ease.
I am binding up all of this sickness in Jesus' name!
My grandmother is improving but still so unaware and suffering. It breaks my heart. I went to see her today and she didn't know me, she couldn't speak, I don't believe she could focus on anything. It was hard to see her like that.
I went by my other grandparents too and they were doing well. I'm so thankful.
My dad is 62 and has gone back to college. He is really struggling but you know, I'm so proud of him. He is an inspiration to me.
Tony of course is being his usual loving self. Supporting me in any and everything I do. He is a gem, a rare, beautiful, precious gem of a man.
I love my family.
Father's Day is this weekend. We have plans to go to Heaven's and Matt's house to celebrate. I'm looking forward to it.
Pay Attention! See What You See!
It has been said that the whole of Orthodox theology and teaching can be
found in a single, well-executed icon. I believe it to be true. Over the
1 day ago
Determine not to chicken out or change your mind!!!! "Having set your hand to the plow......."
Back to school, wow - enjoy it! I'm sorry your gals are still sick, saying prayers right now for healing, and for you to not get sick.
Praying too about your grandma. How hard is that. (((((Jenileigh))))
Congrats to your dad....take some classes with him!
I'm so sorry about your grandmother, thats so sad. I will pray for her and for your girls healing and your headache. Seems like you guys are under attack. Maybe your ment to go into the medical field or something (hehe) Maybe though!
Thanks so much for your prayers on my behalf. I covet them I need them. Prayers are the most important thing any one of us can do :)
That is funny about the algebra. When I went back to school the only way I got through algebra was because my son was taking it in high school at the same time.
How did you pick your kids names?
"So, I have a while before I have to make any major decisions."
OK, I have to know how long you spent thinking about this word choice, or did it just flow and I am enjoying the play on words with no effort on your part?
See, you could be referring to major in the sense of big decisions, or major in the sense of course of study. Either way, your course of study is a big decision - deciding on the major is a major decision.
Yes, sometimes I spend too much time thinking about words, but this one was a fun one. *grin*
Hope everyone is feeling well soon!
Well, I suppose my word choices were just flowing, but in answer to your questions the *major* was referring to going back to college first. It's major for me because its going to require so much of me. It's going to be a huge change. Some days I'm ready and eager but other days I question going back to college.
Life is good for me right now and to be honest I'm afraid that going back to college is going to throw a monkey wrench up in things. I'm afraid the schedule will be too much and the work load too heavy. Will it take too much of me away from my family. Can I make it?
Major was also referring to what I will major in in college. I bounced between two walls. Teaching or nursing. At this point I'm leaning towards nursing. It's always been a passion of mine but then so is teaching. So, its a hard choice. One that I will continue to pray about. The reason I say I have a while before having to make major decisions about this one is that I'll be taking remedial classed and prerequisites for a LONG time. I'll have plenty of time if I decide to change majors.
And lastly is knowing how long I'll be in school with either choice. This is why I believe I have so much hesitation. I'll be looking at 2 years at least of preparing for either major. Then if I go all the way both field will require four more years of college. 6 years is a long time and a lot of work.
Thanks for helping me think this thing through.
Oh and yes, I've been praying about this for a while. In praying I haven't felt God saying anything strongly one way or the other. My husband does feel this is something I need to do.
A lot of food for thought.
But if you have been seeking God's direction on it, and going back to school is the direction you believe He is leading, then you have no need to fear. No matter how scary it may be.
Just read this passage this morning - thinking God's timing is not coincedental!
Hear, O, Israel, today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not be terrified or give way to panic before them. For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.
Deuteronomy 20:3-4
Whether your enemies come in the form of classes, or scheduling struggles, or algebra problems God is on your side, and He will fight for you. Keep your eyes fixed upon Him!
Love you,
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