July 17, 2013

Forgive Me

God never called us to attack others because of what they may or may not be doing right. It’s not our job to bring hatred to the world but rather to show people the love of Jesus. God is the judge, He will handle His business when it comes to humanity. We will all stand before Him one day. He doesn’t put a cap on His rule to “love others as yourself.” Whether you think what they are doing is the worst sin or not, you have no right to hate.
 ~Jesse Duplantis

I know that I should not voice all the ugly in my heart sometimes. So forgive me for my "People" post. "Father God please put that so innocent, so powerful, so sweet, pure love back into my heart. I know it comes only from You and I miss it. Lately things make me so angry. Remind me to bring them to You, so that You can fill me up with Your love and power that I may be able to in turn love those you place in path and DO something about the things that  You show me. In Jesus Name I Pray.  Jen" 


Debra Seiling said...

Dear Jenileigh,
You are such a generous person to share with honesty and humility. This helps others, including myself, turn to God to deal with our own battles, whether similar or not.
I'm sad that you have had to deal with less than supportive people. Hopefully, your honestly plants the seeds in their lives, so they know where to turn when they need God's healing grace. Debbie Seiling

Jenileigh said...

Thank-you for your kind words. Please be praying for me and the family that is going through this horrible trial. Pray that the children's best interest is seen by the judge and that the instability of the mother will be proven. I know it will. It is done in Jesus name. Thanks Debbie.