March 24, 2012

It's 5 am and I'm not lonely

Little Treyton couldn't sleep. He awoke wanting to watch Barney and just crying his little heart out, snubs included. I sang, "Jesus Loves Me" until the crying subsided and then I cuddled him all the way to the den. I gladly played a Barney episode from Netflix. Nothing in this world beats hearing him saying with great joy, "Tank-u Mimi!" Mmm all the hugs and kisses a Mimi could ever hope for. Such a sweet little guy. Thank-You Father God for answering my prayer in a way I never seen coming. This grandson fills me with such joy. I know You are going to use him to do great things. Just like His mommy and His Mimi. Mimi may be a little late but it took this journey in my life to lead me to this exact moment. I thank-You for never giving up on me, for loving me ever so much, and for the beautiful opportunity of serving. Serving You, my husband, my family, my boss, my family, my friends, strangers-that feel like family-that become family- as I hug them and pray for them. I love serving. Even at 5 am.

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