Thank-you all for the prayers for my brother. He is doing better physically but mentally and spiritually please continue praying for him. I want to see him FREE and serving the Lord with all his heart soul and mind!
My brother was driving one car and a 17 yo girl the other. There is a place down the road from me where there is a weird hill. Coming from one direction you sort of pop up over the hill and there is no way to see if someone is turning right past the hill. Coming the opposite direction all you can see is the hill, you can't even see head lights at night. My brother was turning the girl was coming over the hill and they hit head on.
They had to cut my brother out with the jaws of life. They air lifted both of them to an equipped hospital. The accident happened around 9:30 Sunday night. The airlift location here just happens to be in my back yard *literally*. I did get to be with him before they got him on the helicopter.
My brother's most severe injury thus far is facial lacerations. He had to have around 7 hours of surgery with a plastic surgeon. He is awaiting an examination from the ENT to look at his nose. The great news is that there is no brain contusions, bumps, swelling or bruising and his neck, spinal cord, back, lungs and stomach are fine.
I spent time with him before he went into surgery. Let's just say the whole ordeal was shocking and draining.
God's hand has already been seen in this many times. The fact that she came out with minor bruises and abrasions is a miracle! My brother too is a living miracle. There have been many accidents and deaths at this location and we are praying that the county will step in and DO something to make this area safe.
Pray that my brother's face and body continue to heal and pray the same for the other victim. Pray that the Lord keep His hand upon my brother leading him closer to Jesus.
Show me your ways, O LORD,
teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long. . . .
Guard my life and rescue me;
let me not be put to shame,
for I take refuge in you.
May integrity and uprightness protect me,
because my hope is in you. (Psalm 25:4-5, 20-21)
Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD;
keep watch over the door of my lips.
Let not my heart be drawn to what is evil,
to take part in wicked deeds
with men who are evildoers;
let me not eat of their delicacies. (Psalm 141:3-4)
This week went pretty well. Our work load lowered some from the first two weeks and I have to admit I was very grateful. I kept up but the pace was pretty stout. I had read it would slow after week 2 and week 3 definitely let up. We were able to take Wednesday and go skating with the homeschool group. We all had a really good time.
Our hymns thus far are My Father's World, O For a Thousand Tongues (I added it in early), and My Country Tis of Thee or America as it is also called. We will be adding The Lord is My Sheppard on week 5.
The girls are memorizing James 1:1-8 and I'll test them on Monday. So far they can recite through 5 without stumbling!
We are studying the Indians, England, Spain, Pioneers, the New World and such. The girls actually made wigwams and they turned out really nice. We are reading from several books, including Story of the World 3 (I just ordered the cds so it will cut down some on my read aloud load), Exploring American History, In God We Trust, & Building a City on a Hill.
I didn't think I would enjoy reading pieces of several books but the way MFW ties them all together its like reinforcements and it really sinks in. Plus these aren't boring history facts. I love having them put in somewhat of a story form. I'm learning so much!!! I am also reading Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims and from American Pioneers and Patriots. The girls keep begging for more Squanto and I really like American Pioneers and Patriots. The last book we are adding in is from the Daughters of the Faith series and its called, Almost Home a story about Mary Chilton. Today my voice gave a little from reading so much out loud but I didn't want to stop!
We don't have as much reading everyday, but we do read a lot. That is one of my favorite things, reading aloud, I usually just don't make enough time for it, so I really love how My Father's World has this included in our school day. The three of us pile up on the couch together while I read. Then the girls do an art picture of the person we have studied. I am so impressed with the pictures they are creating. We usually have music once or twice a week while doing art, and this too is another favorite of mine. Not so much with the girls but they are learning a lot about Franz Shubert.
Sky (7th grade) then works on her own completing TT math, IEW, Phonetic Zoo Spelling, and Apologia Science. Of course I'm nearby as she works here in the living room with me. (We schedule all projects and labs with dh in the evening and I make sure to read her science to her after she has read it that day as reinforcement too).
While Sky is working I do Meadow's SSRW or PLL, Spelling and Science and then we are through for the day. I try to encourage Meadow to look through her book basket during breaks but she doesn't show much interest after all of the other school we've done.
I grade Meadow each day and grade Sky at the end of the week, then I read through my lesson plans for the upcoming week and make necessary copies among other preparations and I'm done!
I've never ever schooled this way before. Not ever. I've always been so laid back. Its hard work but I have to admit I'm taking more pride in teaching the girls and we are accomplishing so much more. Our days aren't forced or overloaded, just very full and satisfying.
We finished the entire 3rd week. I feel accomplished.